Signs You Have Mining Bees in Your Lawn

A mining bee digging a tunnel in Peekskill NY - Garrie Pest Control

Like other species of bees, mining bees, otherwise known as ground bees, play important roles in their local ecosystems. They pollinate our plants and aerate our soil, helping you achieve beautiful growth in your yard, free of charge! However, having a growing population of them in your yard can be unsettling, and sometimes more aggressive bees or wasps will move into the tunnels that they have dug out. Our bee removal experts at Garrie Pest Control have laid out some steps to identifying ground nesting bees in your yard in Peekskill NY. Read on to learn!

Signs of Ground Bees in Your Yard

There are many kinds of burrowing pests that live in and around Peekskill NY. So how can you tell if you have ground bees? These are some of the most common signs of mining bees in the ground:

  • Holes that have an opening around 1/4”-1/2“ in diameter
  • Small mounds of dirt around these holes
  • Bees that look similar to honey bees, but smaller and with a fuzzy thorax

Miner bees don’t live in communal hives, but they do dig their tunnels in close proximity to each other. If you find one tunnel, finding more similar ones close by is a great sign of a ground bee population.

Are Ground Bees Dangerous?

Mining bees do have stingers but are much less temperamental than some other bee species, and especially less aggressive than wasps and hornets. When you have ground bees tunneling in your yard, they are only there to go about their business. If you go about yours, they will leave you alone!

However, the problem with mining bees is that they create tunnels that other stinging insects like to inhabit. Some species of wasps create their nests by digging tunnels in the ground, but they are more than happy to invade a preexisting nesting network to start off their breeding season. If you start to notice an increasing number of tunnels in your yard, it’s safe to bet that wasps could be taking over any day. You can always ask your local pest control company about the risks associated with the tunnels in your yard.

Pest Control for Mining Bees in Peekskill NY

Although having some bees around can be very beneficial, having too many mining bees and ground bee nests around can lead to more serious safety issues. If you believe you have miner bees but can’t be sure, talk to the bee removal experts at Garrie Pest Control. We understand how vital bees are to their local ecosystem, so we use the most humane strategies and eco-conscious products to remove them. For a free quote, contact us today!

How an Ant Infestation Starts in Your Home

An ant infestation starting in Peekskill NY - Garrie Pest Control

Ants are much more cunning than we give them credit for. We receive many calls every year from frustrated clients who just can’t seem to figure out how ants are getting indoors. It’s safe to assume that most people in Peekskill NY have dealt with an unexpected trail of ants in their home at one point or another.

This might be you right now. You may be a super tidy and organized person with a huge ant infestation, wondering, “how could this happen in my house?” Garrie Pest Control has the answers for you, and can teach you how to better prevent this unsightly occurrence from happening again.

How Do Ant Infestations Get Started?

When ants work their way into your home, they are usually on the hunt for a new food source. Once an ant finds some accessible food, they will release a pheromone signal to their fellow colony members to follow them to the source. As long as the food supply is ample, the ant trail will continue to build. Ants aren’t picky eaters, but they prefer these foods:

  • Bread and grains
  • Meat
  • Fruit
  • Sweet things like candy and soda

Even if you store your food away properly, you still might be liable to an ant problem. If ants are still entering your home when it is clean as can be, the problem might be with the exterior of the building. In addition to food, ants often seek out warmth and shelter. They will take advantage of even the tiniest slit in the wall to sneak inside. Some of their most common entry points include:

  • Holes in foundation
  • Gaps in brickwork and wood paneling
  • Cracked plumbing pipes
  • Ventilation systems, and more

How ant infestations start in Peekskill NY - Garrie Pest Control

What Can You Do to Stop Ants?

To make your house ant-free, keep your kitchen and bathroom clean. In the kitchen, all food should be sealed and stored away, dishes should be cleaned right after you eat, and spills should be mopped up right away. Regularly use a lemon-scented or vinegar-based cleaning agent for an extra preventative touch. As for your bathroom, reduce excess moisture buildup from your shower and sink by having it properly ventilated.

Next, turn your attention to your home’s exterior. To keep ants from accessing your indoor spaces in the first place, you can:

  1. Seal any cracks in your plumbing fixtures
  2. Inspect your foundation and siding for holes and fill them
  3. Install screens on windows and doors or fix existing ones
  4. Keep your trash bins far away from your house

Expert Ant Prevention Services in Peekskill NY

We get plenty of calls every year from people who can’t figure out how to get rid of the ants in their house. As a result, we’ve built up years of experience dealing with the specific ant problems that Peekskill NY residents face. If you need help removing ants from your home and ensuring that they don’t come back, trust in your local pest control team at Garrie Pest Control. To learn more about our services or for a free estimate on ant control, contact our team today!