Do Wasps Die After They Sting?

How wasps look in Peekskill NY - Garrie Pest Control

Bees are very unique creatures, set apart from other insects for a variety of reasons. One of their more peculiar features is that they die after stinging a victim just once. This leaves many people wondering: do wasps work the same way?

It turns out that wasps are able to sting multiple times in a row, and can deliver even more painful stings than bees in most cases. Read on to learn more about wasp stings and the differences between wasps vs bees in Peekskill NY.

The Difference Between Wasp and Bee Stings

Certain wasps dish out stings that cause about the same amount of pain as a bee sting. However, the reason that wasps are considered so much more dangerous is that they can sting multiple times in a row. Bees’ stingers are attached to their digestive tract, so when they sting someone, they eject some of their organs with the stinger upon release.

On the other hand, wasps’ stingers are designed like a needle. They retract in and out of the skin, piercing their target as many times as necessary. Like bees, their stinks are chock-full of a painful venom. It is designed both to paralyze small prey and to convince potential predators to leave them alone.

Why Do Wasps Sting?

Wasps sting when they feel that their nest is being threatened. What’s more, when they sting someone that they consider to be a threat, they emit a pheromone that signals to nearby wasps to help them. This is why people often report being stung by multiple wasps or even a swarm of wasps at once. Multiple wasp stings can cause serious health risks, such as:

  • Swollen, painful bumps
  • Rashes, hives, or welts
  • Headache, nausea, and fever
  • Swelling and joint pain
  • In extreme cases, death

Professional Wasp Control in Peekskill NY

Wasps build their nests out of chewed-up wood, forming a construction that looks like layers of gray paper. If you notice a wasp nest forming on your property, contact your local wasp control experts right away. Our wasp nest removal specialists at Garrie Pest Control will use the most efficient and effective techniques in the industry to relocate your wasp nest and help you have a sting-free summer. For a free quote on bee or wasp nest removal services, contact us today!

How to Keep Stink Bugs Out

Stink bug appearance in Peekskill NY - Garrie Pest Control

Scientists assume that stink bugs have developed their foul odor as a defense mechanism against potential predators. We can confirm that it makes them unpleasant guests in our homes!

Every year in Peekskill NY, we hear complaints about little brown bugs infiltrating homes. It also appears that we deal with more year after year in our area. If you believe that you have a stink bug infestation, read on. We will share our expert tips with you on identifying and getting rid of stink bugs and what you can do to prevent them in the first place.

How Do I Know if I Have Stink Bugs?

Stink bugs don’t cause a health risk when they enter your home, but they aren’t called stink bugs for nothing. Here are a few ways to tell if the pests in your house are stink bugs:

  1. Stink bugs are usually slightly over half an inch long with long antennae and shield-shaped bodies.
  2. They have a brown base color with patterns of green, black and yellow on their backs. Their antennae and legs have white stripes.
  3. Their odor is pungent and foul—it is sometimes described as smelling similar to coriander.

If you get near a stink bug to try to trap or remove it, it will emit its odor. This will be a sure sign that you’re dealing with stink bugs.

How to Keep Stink Bugs Out

Stink bugs usually find their way in on their own, entering homes through any access points that they can find. They like to enter through:

  • Unsealed cracks in walls
  • Gaps around doors and windows
  • Ventilation systems
  • Torn screen doors

In order to keep stink bugs out, it’s important to check around your house for any of these vulnerabilities. Turning off outdoor lights when not in use will also help to keep stink bugs away.

Professional Help Removing Stink Bugs in Peekskill NY

If you can’t seem to find the source of your stink bug infestation in Peekskill NY, it’s time to call the pest control experts at Garrie Pest Control. Our technicians are trained to quickly identify the source of a stink bug outbreak and correct the issue by both removing stink bugs inside the house and blocking them from returning. For more information on our stink bug removal services or for a free quote on pest control, contact us today!